Vol.55 (2009)

Vol.55 (2009) n°1



Vol.55 (2009) n°2 (PDF format)

Inhoud / Contenu

L'histoire littéraire congolaise et le champ littéraire en particulier / DJUNGU-SIMBA, Charles K. - 103-109

Afrikaanse perspectieven op koloniale taalpolitiek in Belgisch Congo tijdens de jaren 1950 / MEEUWIS, Michael. - 111-121

Rapa Nui: destruction ou déconstruction ? / CAUWE, Nicolas. - 123-133

De lokroep van de suiker. Vlaamse planters en handelaars op het Canarische eiland La Palma (1508- ca. 1635) / EVERAERT, John G. - 135-162

La flambée des prix alimentaires et les actions à entreprendre à court terme (et à plus long terme) pour la RDC. / TOLLENS, Eric. - 165-175

Drug resistance in trypanosomes of livestock: a worrying issue / GEERTS, Stanny; DELESPAUX, Vincent; VAN DEN BOSSCHE, Peter. - 177-184

How extreme is the precipitation at Lubumbashi Congo, or the elaboration of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for precipitation, under the hypothesis of inadequate data / DEMAREE, Gaston; VAN DE VIJVER, Hans. - 187-198

Free and open source software (FOSS) for humanitarian applications / MORELLI, Ralph. - 199-225


Vol.55 (2009) n°3 (PDF format)

Inhoud / Contenu

Expressions of traditional wisdom: what Africa can teach the world today / BINSBERGEN, Wim van. - 281-305

Traditional wisdom and ideas about history in Bantu oral traditions of Namibia and Angola / SEIFERT, Marc. - 307-318

Walking and living: the ambiguity of the sacred / CUELENAERE, Laurence. - 319-328

Traditional wisdom as leterary artefact: the example of D. O. Fagunwa's prose narratives / ADENIJI, Abiodun. - 329-333

5+5=9. Numeric calculations in Southern India and Eastern Indonesia as part of mans's world view / LINK, Hilde. - 335-340

The role of 'sentiments' in Liang Chi-Chao's and Tsai Yuen-Pei's aesthetic thoughts - observing the transition from traditonal Confucianism to modern aesthetics / LEE, Mei-Yen. - 341-344

The way of phronesis: revisiting traditional wisdom in architecture / KOUTSOUMPOS, Leonidas; ZHUANG, Yue. - 345-354

Traditional wisdom in Sub-Saharan Africa: an African origin of philosophy / WEIDTMANN, Niels. - 355-364

Evolution of a knowledge resource for a better world (Ecyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) for the decade of education for sustainable development and beyond) / AL GOBAISI, Darwish. - 369-397

Sharing knowledge across language barriers: A challenge for EOLSS / DELIA SENTA, Tarcisio G. - 399-405


Vol.55 (2009) n°4 (PDF format)

Inhoud / Contenu

Water, een universeel recht of een schaars goed? / BERLAMONT, Jean. - 441-455

Aux origines de l'Etat congolais: la Loi Fondamentale (1960-1964) transition sans héritage et héritage sans transition / NDAYWEL è NZIEM, Isidore. - 457-475

Geographic and historical patterns of reforestation / MEYFROIDT, Patrick; LAMBIN, Eric F. - 477-502

Rapport sur les activités de l'Académie (2008-2009) - Verslag over de werkzaamheden van de Academie (2008-2009) / SWINNE, Danielle. - 503-512

Belgian Congo during the First World War, as seen through the reports of Jules Renkin, minister of colonies, to king Albert I (1914-1918) / VANTHEMSCHE, Guy. - 515-532

Speciation within the coffee wilt pathogen in Africa / LEPOINT, Pascale, Auteur; MARAITE, Henri. - 535-552

Regional flood frequency analysis for the river Nile basin / WILLEMS, Patrick; OGIRAMOI, Nyeko P.; MUTUA, Francis; ABDO, Gamal; KABUBI, Julius; FAHMI, Ahmed Hassan; SONBOL, Mohamed; LOTFY, Ahmed; KIMARO, Anderson; MKHANDI, Simon; OPERE, Alfred; IBRAHIM, Yosif Ahmed; KIZZA, Michael; TADESSE, Leuleseged; MOTALEB, Mohamed Abdel; FARID, Samir; ZAKI, Abdelaziz; AL-WESHAH, Radwan. - 555-570



Bulletin des Séances / Mededelingen der Zittingen
Jg.- Ann. 2009, N.R. - Vol. 55