

Doctor in de taal- en letterkunde, hoogleraar Engelse letterkunde Universiteit Gent.
Hedendaagse literatuur en cultuur; hele Engelstalige wereld.

Stef Craps is a professor of English literature at Ghent University, where he directs the Cultural Memory Studies Initiative, a research group that brings together scholars from across the humanities who work on issues of memory and trauma as mediated through culture.

He holds degrees from KU Leuven (PhD, MA), the University of Hull (MA), and KU Brussels (BA).

His research and teaching interests lie in twentieth-century and contemporary literature and culture, memory and trauma studies, postcolonial theory, and ecocriticism and the environmental humanities.

Craps is the author of Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out of Bounds (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and Trauma and Ethics in the Novels of Graham Swift: No Short-Cuts to Salvation (Sussex Academic Press, 2005), a co-author of Trauma (Routledge, 2020), and a co-editor of Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies (Berghahn, 2017).

He has also (co-)edited special issues of Collateral, American Imago, Studies in the Novel, and Criticism on the decolonization of English literature, art and climate change, ecological grief, climate change fiction, transcultural Holocaust memory, and postcolonial trauma novels.

Craps has been a visiting professor at UCLA and has held visiting fellowships at the School of Advanced Study, University of London; Birkbeck, University of London; Columbia University; and the Flemish Academic Centre for Science and the Arts.

He is the founding coordinator of the Mnemonics network, an international collaborative initiative for graduate education in memory studies.

For more information, visit his personal website at

Key publications

Bond, L., & Craps, S. (2020). Trauma. New Critical Idiom. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020.

Craps, S. Ed. Decolonizing English Literature. Spec. issue of Collateral: Online Journal for Cross-Cultural Close Reading 26 (November 2020) <>.

Craps, S. Ed. (2020). Ecological Grief. Spec. issue of American Imago 77.1 

Craps, S. (2013). Postcolonial Witnessing: Trauma Out of Bounds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013; paperback (with a preface by Rosanne Kennedy) 2015.

Craps, S., & Buelens, G. (Eds.). (2008). Postcolonial Trauma Novels. Spec. double issue of Studies in the Novel 40.1-2 


Complete list of publications

Academic Bibliography (UGent)

Publications by Stef Craps