Ingénieur civil des Mines (Mons), ingénieur géologue (Bruxelles), docteur ès sciences naturelles (Paris 6), chef de département ff. honoraire Service géologique de Belgique, Direction opérationnelle Terre &Origine de la Vie, Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, professeur émérite Université libre de Bruxelles, membre titulaire Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des beaux-Arts de Belgique. 
Géologie, minéralogie, métallogénie, industrie minière, prospection géochimique, tectonique, cartographie géologique; Argentine, Congo, Iran, Mexique, Viêt-nam.

Léon Dejonghe (Familleureux, Belgium, 18-10-1946) is civil mining engineer (1969) of the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons, geological engineer (1971) of the Free University of Brussels and doctor of science (state doctorate) (1975) of the Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France.

Most of his career was spent at the Geological Survey of Belgium which is presently part of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Operational Department Earth and Origin of Life.

His main researches are oriented into two directions: metallogenic investigations (Argentina, Belgium, Congo, Iran, Mexico and Vietnam) and geological mapping (Wallonia and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg). His field of activity concerns the study of Ba, Fe, Pb, Zn, Sb and Au ore deposits as well as the study of sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic, in particular those of the Lower Devonian, in terms of lithostratigraphy and tectonics.

From 1979 to 2012, he taught metallogeny at the Free University of Brussels, in the Faculty of Science and, at times, in the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Since 1996, he is a member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Overseas Sciences, Class of Technical Sciences, and since 2002, a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, Class of Sciences.

Key publications

Dejonghe, L. (1971). Minéralisation et genèse du gîte stratiforme de Ravandje (Iran central).  Bulletin de la Société belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie, 80, 111-132.

Nguyen Dinh Moc & Dejonghe, L. (1996). Les filons de quartz à stibine de Câm Pha, province de Quang Ninh, NE du Viêt-nam.  Chronique de la Recherche minière, BRGM, 522, 11-15.

Melchior, A., Dejonghe, L., & Hughes, G. (1996). A geomicrobiological study of soils collected from auriferous areas of Argentina.  Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 56, 219-227.

Dejonghe, L. (1997). Features and origin of the strata-bound siliciclastic-hosted Kinsenda copper deposit contained in the Roan of south-east Shaba, Zaire.  Proceedings of the International Cornet Symposium “Strata-bound copper deposits and associated mineralizations”, Mons, 5-9 september 1994.  Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences : 145-158.

Dejonghe, L., Darras, B., Hughes, G., Muchez, P., Scoates, J., & Weis, D. (2002) – Isotopic and fluid-inclusion constraints on the formation of polymetallic vein deposits in the central Argentinian Patagonia.  Mineralium Deposita, 37 : 158-172.


Complete list of publications

DI-fusion (ULB)