Christa Sys

SYS, Christa

Professor, Doctor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen, houder leerstoel BNP Paribas Fortis transport, logistiek en havens, promotor leerstoel Dennie Lockefeer (binnenvaart) Universiteit Antwerpen (Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen en Economie, Departement Transport en Ruimtelijke Economie en Antwerp Management School) 
Economie (financiën, transport), (maritiem) transport, maritieme supply chain, binnenvaart; Azië (China, India), Europa, Noord-Amerika, Latijns-Amerika.

Christa Sys currently is holder of the BNP Paribas Fortis chair on transport, logistics and ports at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics. Until October 2013, Christa Sys was scientific director of the Research Centre on Freight and Passengers flows. Next, she is course co-ordinator for the courses ‘Maritime Economics and Businesses’ and ‘Maritime Supply Chain’ at the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport (C-MAT). She also teaches at the Faculty of Business and Economics. Her educational activities focus on (operational aspects of) maritime transport, maritime transport and logistics & transport (Dutch program) . Her research centres on maritime economics and co-operation and competition in shipping.

She jointly graduated as a doctor in Applied Economics at the Ghent University and the University of Antwerp (December 2010). Her doctoral research dealt with the competitive conditions, the concentration and the market structure of the container liner shipping industry (link). This research was awarded by the Section of Technical Sciences of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences with the General Manager Fernand Suykens Prize for Port Studies.





Key Publications

(Most cited works)

Acciaro, M., Vanelslander, T., Sys, C., Ferrari, C., Roumboutsos, A., & Giuliano, G. Environmental sustainability in seaports: a framework for successful innovation. Maritime Policy & Management 41 (5), 480-500            

Sys, C. Is the container liner shipping industry an oligopoly? Transport policy 16 (5), 259-270 

V Carlan, V., Sys, C. Vanelslander, T. How port community systems can contribute to port competitiveness: Developing a cost–benefit framework. Research in transportation business & management 19, 51-64         

Sys, C. Blauwens, G., Omey, E., Van De Voorde, E., Witlox, F. In search of the link between ship size and operations. Transportation Planning and Technology 31 (4), 435-463         

Sys, C., Vanelslander, T., Adriaenssens, M., Van Rillaer, I. International emission regulation in sea transport: Economic feasibility and impact.  Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 45, 139-151

(key publications)

Vanelslander, T., & Sys, C. (2020). Future maritime supply networks : key issues in and solutions. Maritime Supply Chains. Elsevier. 261-282.

Acciaro, M., & Sys, C. (2020). Innovation in the maritime sector: aligning strategy with outcomes. Maritime Policy & Management, 47(8), 1045–1063.

Sys, C., Van de Voorde, E., Vanelslander, T., & van Hassel, E. (2020). Pathways for a sustainable future inland water transport: A case study for the European inland navigation sector. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8(3), 686–699.

Acciaro, M., Ferrari, C., Lam, J. S. L., Macario, R., Roumboutsos, A., Sys, C., Tei, A., & Vanelslander, T. (2018). Are the innovation processes in seaport terminal operations successful? Maritime Policy & Management, 45(6), 787–802.

Carlan, V., Sys, C., Calatayud, A., & Vanelslander, T. (2018b, april). Digital Innovation in Maritime Supply Chains: Experiences from Northwestern Europe. (Full text (open access):
(Discussion paper / Institutions for Development Sector. Connectivity, Markets, and Finance Division ; IDB-DP-577 ; Inter-American Development Bank)

Brooks Mary, R., Meersman, H., Sys, C., Van de Voorde, E., & Vanelslander, T. (2019, juni). Regulation in the liner shipping industry : pathways to a balance of interests: technical report. University of Antwerp, Department of Transport and Regional Economics.




Complete list of publications

Christa Sys (0000-0001-5962-334X) - ORCID