Millennium Development Goals: 2014 Progress Chart


Millennium Development Goals: 2014 Progress Chart

At the beginning of this century, United Nations Member States unanimously agreed to forge a commitment, through the Millennium Declaration, to help the poorest to achieve better life by the year 2015. The framework of this commitment is outlined in a set of time-bound common goals and targets embodied in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Progress towards the MDGs is monitored through a set of 21 measurable and time-bound targets and 60 indicators addressing extreme poverty and hunger, education, women’s empowerment and gender equality, health, environmental sustainability and global partnership.

This chart provides an assessment of progress on selected key targets relating to each Goal. Trends and levels are measured on the basis of information available as of June 2014. The latest available data for most indicators are from years 2012 to 2014; for a few indicators, the data go back to 2010.