DEELSTRA, Hendrik A.

Doctor in de wetenschappen (scheikunde), emeritus gewoon hoogleraar Universiteit Antwerpen.
Nutritie, milieu, geschiedenis van de wetenschappen, analytische scheikunde, voedselanalyse; Centraal-Afrika

Hendrik Deelstra, born in 1938, is since 2003 emeritus professor in the department of pharmaceutical sciences of the University Antwerp. After his chemistry studies in Ghent, Belgium, he obtained in 1963 a Ph.D. degree in analytical chemistry in the same university.

From 1963 until 1972 he was professor at three universities in Congo and Burundi. In 1972 his main assignment has been food chemistry. His historical interests have been focused on the professionalization of chemistry and pharmacy in Belgium: education, creation of professional associations and the activities of chemists and pharmacists in Belgium during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He is very active in producing biographical notes of Belgian important pharmacists and chemists.

 He has authored and co-authored a lot of publications in international scientific journals and books.

See website:

He was repeatedly speaker at international conferences. He was chairman of the Working Party on History of Chemistry of the FECS (actually EuCheMS) from 1993 until 2003.

Key publications

Deelstra, H., White, O., Wiggans, D.S. (1974). Nutritive value of Fish of lake Tanganyika. I. Amino Acid Composition. African J. Trop. Hydrobiol. and Fish., 3, 2, 161-166.

Kenner, C., Power, J., Deelstra, H. (1976). Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in the fish of lake Tanganyika. Bull. Envir. Cont. & Toxicol., 95, 689-698.

Deelstra, H., De Maegd, M. (1987). Preliminary results of a study on the selenium content in breastmilk in Burundi. Bull. Séanc. Acad. Roy Sc. d'Outre Mer, 32 (2), 169-180.

Onyamboko, N.V., Benemariya, H., Robberecht, H., Deelstra, H. (1990). Atomic absorption spectrometric determination of seleni­um, zinc and copper in different vegetables from Zaïre. Belg. J. Food Chem. and Biotechnol., 45, 21-24.

Vandelannoote, A., Robberecht, H., Deelstra, H., Vyumvuhore, F., Bitetera, F.Ollevier, L. (1996). The impact of the River Ntahangwa, the most polluted Burundian affluent of Lake Tanganyika, on the water quality of the lake. Hydrobiologia, 326, 161-171.

Vandelannoote, A., Deelstra, H. , Ntakimazi, G., Kimbadi, S., Ollevier, F. (2002). Sediment pollution at the North End of Lake Tanganyika. Bull. Séance, Acad. r. Sci. Outre-Mer, 48 (4), 525-527.


Complete list of publications

Academic Bibliography (UAntwerpen)