docteur en sciences médicales, dermatologue, 
Médecine (maladies infectieuses et parasitaires, mycologie, pédiatrie, systèmes de santé); péninsule arabique (Emirats arabes unis).

Dr Lara el Hayderi graduated from Medical School at the University of Liege (ULG) in 2010 then pursued her specialization in Dermatology and Venereology at the ULG and graduated in 2014. She did her Ph D on “Contribution to the study of mucocutaneous herpes simplex and varicella zoster virus infections” and defended it in 2016. From 2018-2020 she worked in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) increasing her experience in mycology, parasitology and inflammatory diseases of hair, nail and skin pathologies in patients of various phototypes (India, Africa, Asia , Oceania and Middle east). She attended but was also a speaker in various conferences in the Middle East Region at the Emirates Dermatology Society Annual Meeting, DermaGulf (annually since 2019) and in Europe at the American Academy Highlight 2023 in Diepenbeek, Belgium in 2023. She is still actively involved in research on skin, hair and nail anomalies and differences in the Gulf region (Dermamed Clinic, Dubai, UAE).