Vol.63 (2017) n°2 (PDF format)
Becoming Rwandan? The Impact of Two Decades of Unity Policies on the Batwa. / GOODWIN, Morag - 187-208
The Comorian Presence in Precolonial and Early Colonial Congo (19th Century-1908) / LUFFIN, Xavier - 209-222
Lake Kivu and its Problems. / DESCY, Jean-Pierre - 225-234
Programming Cooperation with Sub-Saharan Countries: Are We Overlooking Sub-Saharan Africa's Environmental Production Potential Constraints? / VOSSEN, Paul - 235-253
Human Migration, a Genetics-driven Story. / DELANGHE, Joris - 255-263
Food Production and Water: Constraints and Solutions for the Future. / RAES, Dirk & VANUYTRECHT, Eline - 265-288
Le précambrien: les bactéries, la tectonique des plaques et l'oxygène. / PRÉAT, Alain - 291-320
Natural and Man-induced Destructive Earthquakes in Stable Continental Regions. / CAMELBEECK, Thierry, VANNESTE, Kirs & LECOCQ, Thomas - 321-340
Vol.63 (2017) n°1 (PDF format)
Narrating African Futures / MANGEON, Anthony - 9-19
Kunst als mondiale conversatie. De voorouderpaal van de Asmat en Kamoro van de zuidwestkust van Nieuw-Guinea/ VAN DER ZEE, Pauline - 19-49
L’exode rural au Laos. Mobilité, jeunesse et parenté à Houay Yong (province de Houaphan) / PETIT, Pierre - 49-73
Biological Collections are a Vital Source of Information to Guide Conservation and Research / LOUETTE, Michel - 73-89
Termites and Termite Mounds: Some Selected Observations / MALAISSE, François - 89-125
Trois projets de désenclavement et de relance de l’activité économique en République Démocratique du Congo: comparaison des approches / VAN FRACHEN, Thierry - 125-145
Study and Monitoring of the Virunga Volcanoes: Long-term Involvement of Belgium and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg / SMETS, Benoît, et. al. - 145-163
Contribution of the Seismic Monitoring at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Base to East Antarctica Ice Sheet Dynamics and Global Seismicity Studies / CAMELBEECK, Thierry, et.al. - 163-181